The Folson Group

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Energizing Efficiency

The Role of Supply-Demand Balance in LL97 Compliance

Hey there, visionary co-op and condo board members! Ready to take the reins of energy efficiency and ace Local Law 97 compliance? Raise your hand if you want to write the annual letter to shareholders informing them that you will not face LL97 fines as you handled the energy efficiency upgrades early to meet NYC’s carbon emission limits! Let's dive into the heart of the matter: understanding the crucial dance between supply, demand, and the finite availability of HVAC equipment and installers. This knowledge is your secret weapon in navigating a greener, more cost-effective future for your building.

1. The Power of Partnership

Picture this: a harmonious partnership between your board and service providers. By understanding that the supply of HVAC equipment and skilled installers is limited, especially as 2030 approaches, you gain an edge. Partnering with the right experts becomes more critical than ever. Demand drives supply, and the closer we get to 2030, the scarcer these resources become. If the prices of elevator Door Lock Monitor installations in 2019 are any indications, prices could easily double or triple.

2. Cracking the Supply Code

Decoding supply is about more than just numbers. The finite availability of HVAC equipment and installers adds a layer of urgency to your LL97 journey. It's about matching your building's unique energy needs with the right solutions now, before the rush drives up costs. Balancing your building's demand with the supply of reliable providers is key to long-term success.

3. Building for Tomorrow, Today

The future is knocking, and it's wearing energy-efficient attire. By recognizing that scarcity might lead to higher costs, you're making a savvy move. Starting your HVAC system upgrades now doesn't just ensure compliance—it opens the door to immediate savings. Imagine the financial benefits of an efficient system while others scramble in the future. What if your boiler breaks down next year, then you’re much better off having a plan in place now so that you don’t need to do the research while your neighbors are cornering you in the elevator asking why they have no heat or hot water.

4. Navigating the Seas of Compliance

The LL97 compliance journey has its tides and currents. With the knowledge that the supply of HVAC equipment and installers tightens over time, you're equipped to navigate these waters strategically. Secure your place on the roster of early adopters who reap the benefits of both savings and compliance.  

Ready to harness the power of supply-demand harmony while considering the ticking clock? Act today. Connect with HVAC service providers, discuss your energy goals, and explore how their solutions align with your vision. By embracing the balance now, you're ensuring a smoother, more cost-effective journey towards a greener, compliant future.


Need help with a construction project for your building? The Folson Group provides construction project management services that makes co-op and condo board engagement filled with a feeling of accomplishment. Set up a strategy call with us.